Hazmasters Shipping vessel out to sea at dusk.


Our fundamental goal as a corporation is to constantly generate exceptional results while keeping a forward-thinking vision that exceeds the constraints of short-term financial benefits. In our quest of sustainability, we actively attempt to reduce our environmental footprint by implementing responsible business practices and implementing creative solutions.

Build upon
the future

Our Commitment to ESG

We emphasize values, purpose, and mission at the heart of our business, and we consider our influence on the larger environment, including the globe, the waters we travel through, and the communities in which we operate.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Hazmasters Shipping is totally committed to optimizing the environmental, social, and governance components of our comprehensive ESG program in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework. We are particularly linked with the three aims that are important in our business environment:

3 Good health and well-being
Goal 3 Good health and well-being
8 Decent work and economic growth
Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth
12 Responsible consumption and production
Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production


As climate change continues to influence our environment, Hazmasters Shipping seeks to enhance our energy efficiency by reaching IMO GHG reduction objectives while fulfilling all other clean air criteria, including SOx, NOx, and Particulate Matter (PM).

Moving forward, all investments in new vessels will contain best-in-class environmental performance technology, with each intended to achieve the IMO's 2050 GHG reduction objective of 50% reduction in emissions. While our current fleet is completely equipped with ballast water management systems, 85% of our tonnage uses exhaust system scrubbers to actively cut sulfur emissions in an ecologically safe and sustainable manner.


Our social responsibility to our seafarers, onshore staff, and other stakeholders is focused on their physical and psychological health as it pertains to their safety and well-being. We maintain a collaborative atmosphere with a responsible and involved work culture by providing vital training and development on subjects that connect with our particular constituency, such as seafarer education, safety awareness, diversity in the workplace, and wellness at sea.

We have adopted best management practices consistent with governing entities to protect our crews from piracy, hijacking, and kidnapping at sea, in addition to signing on to the Neptune Declaration, which recognizes seafarers as key essential workers and prioritizes healthcare and wellness initiatives for them.


We adhere to the highest ethical standards as part of our ESG program and, more particularly, our Sustainability Policy. Our Code clearly states our expectations for our workers, leadership, and relevant stakeholders in terms of performance and behavior, and it provides for open communication that is free of retribution should concerns need to be reported and examined.

We provide continuing introduction training for all of our employees in the conduct and ethical standards required of them as Scorpio team members, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for corrupt or unethical activity, as well as any behavior that reflects badly on Hazmasters Shipping or its reputation.

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